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Slime Smart Tube Presta Valve Bicycle Tube (700c x 19-25)

Slime Smart Tube Presta Valve Bicycle Tube (700c x 19-25)

still had a flat

I bought these because I was getting frequent flat tires... After usuing this tube my tire went flat on the second ride.... Go figure!!!

3 Strikes, You're Down & Out

I had three tired blow-offs with these tubes, two different road bikes. I'm not enough of a bike mech. to give you the definitive reason, but my suspicions are these tubes are over-materialed and too soft, they bite and balloon on fast road bike tires - that's my opinion. You risk tire blow-off as a result. At speed and under load. This isn't a case of user error or defective rims, I've been manic about detecting the problem, avoiding pinches and twisted tubes, and it's come down to using conventional road bike tubes that are a true fit to a the 700 x 25c rim/tires. Problem solved. Whether I'm right, or just Slime cursed, I will never use this product on a road bike rim/tire again. Beware the Slime tube.

Slime smart Bicycle tube

The slime smart tubes work perfectly. Just be sure you check the size of your bicycle's inner tube before ordering.

I Will Buy More

Last week, I went on my longest ride of the year. I bonked with 20 miles to go on a hot day. Then to add to my suffering, with 10 miles to go my rear tire started to go flat quickly. (More than a thorn hole.) I bought a set of these smart tubes a year ago, and this was my first flat! Well, I pulled over and pumped up the tire. And I was able to ride another 3 miles with my 200lb weight loading the rear tire before the tire started getting too low on air pressure. I pumped it up again and was riding 2 minutes later, and it held the air well for me to cover the next 3 miles. One last fill of air, and I rode home no problem. Amazingly, a week later, the tire is still holding lots of air pressure from the last time I filled in on that trip! Do I still carry a patch kit and a spare (regular) tube? Absolutely! But this tire was worth its wait in gold in allowing to just get myself home when I was physically spent without having to hassle with repairing the tire in the heat.

Helps, but not enough

I've used this tube for a few months now on my road bike, and I've had 1 flat that sealed immediatly and only needed more air, and 1 flat that I had to patch or replace the tube. I would guess this helps reduce flats a bit, but I'm not sure it's worth the extra money, and you still need to carry repair and reinflating kits, so it doesn't save you space or weight on the ride. A great idea, but it doesn't quite live up to its promise.

Keyword : road+bikes


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