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Blackburn Quadrant and Mars 3.0 Combo Bicycle Light Set

Blackburn Quadrant and Mars 3.0 Combo Bicycle Light Set

Ok for safety

Light is ok to use a a safety light to be seen, but does NOT shed much light for good night riding visibility. Taillight is again provides good visibility to cars, but is a little small and mounting bracket is cheaply made.

Practical and priced right

I use my bike as transportation to class and work. I use these lights every night and I've been very happy with them. They probably aren't ideal for mountain biking in the dark, but for riding around in town at night, they are perfect. The lights are very bright and noticeable by cars from some distance. For the price, quality, and ease of installation these lights cannot be beat.

Great safety light, cheap mounts

Like many of the other reviews I read before getting this set, these lights are a great safety item. Anyone will be able to see you with these flashing. The tiny screws on the Mars do make it a little harder to change the batteries, but if you have a small jewelers screwdriver it takes less than 2 minutes; piece of cake. The Quadrant is NOT a head light. You won't be able to see much in front of you on a dark road or path. I ride part way on a poorly lit street so I had all four lights blazing and I didn't see a good sized branch on the shoulder until I was on top of it. If you're in the city, suburbs or twilight riding you'll be good to go. I like the variety of the solid and flashing options. I ride right before sun rise, so as the sun comes up I switch from all four, to two on/two flashing, to all flashing. the button is easy to operate and takes a second. The Mars "random" flashing isn't so random. It's like an emergency signal strobing up and down the length of the light; not just flashing on and off. Very visible. I'm not a fan of the plastic mounts. They look flimsier than I expected based on the other reviews. The lights are designed to slide into a slot so you can take them off and on as needed. The plastic clips holding it in the slots are thin and don't seem to "click" in real tight. I'm a little concerned about them popping off if I hit a good bump, but I don't plan on taking them on and off a bunch which would weaken the plastic. You could use some electricians tape to snug up the lights, but with good engineering you wouldn't have to. Also, the Mars mount is held on by a large plastic screw. I had to adjust my seat and tightening & loosing the screw has already gotten it pretty stripped. It wouldn't have cost anymore to put in a metal screw like the Quadrant has.

Good light set

I'm pretty please with this light set. I bought them for my electric scooter, even though I don't do much night riding. They're very bright and both have three modes, one steady and the other two a variation of pulses. They have good mounts and are both clip-on style so you can pop them off pretty easily and carry them with you if you're worried about theft. The headlight could also double as a flashlight when camping with no hassle.

Very Bright.

Very bright lights. They come with batteries which is a plus. Be careful of the connecting brackets. They seem a little flimsy. I haven't broken them, but I am very creful.

Keyword : bikes


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