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OnGuard PitBull MINI DT 5008 Bicycle U-Lock and Extra Security Cable

OnGuard PitBull MINI DT 5008 Bicycle U-Lock and Extra Security Cable

Small but tough

I got my MINI PitBull over a month ago, after shopping around and reading numerous reviews on different websites. I was looking for a reliable, well made lock that would not be too heavy or too bulky or cost a fortune even though I do have a nicer bike... And that's exactly what this lock turned out to be. It's fairly easy to mount and use, the mechanism is smooth and the cable provides lots of options for locking. Feels pretty solid overall, a good buy for the money

easy to use

Big heavy lock plus cable means thieves will look for easier targets. They give you plenty of extra keys. I keep the lighted LED key on my main key chain, and the spares attached to various bags that I use for commuting, in case I lose the main key. My only minor criticism is of the flimsy bicycle mount, which really can't support the weight of the lock. Attaching to my frame that way will just result in a noisy ride while the U-lock flaps around and bangs against my bicycle. It might work for some frames where it's possible to hang the lock upside down, instead of mounting it horizontally, but on my small bike that isn't possible.

The lock is solid, but a bit shorter than needed

The lock is solid and pretty heavy. The attachment to the bike is easy. However, I found it to be a bit short for some parking places. The wire that comes with the package is pretty handy for locking the wheels.

Great lock!

Big, tough, heavy looks indestructible and comes with insurance. I think it was a bargain.

Not exactly what I wanted

First off, don't be mislead by my title, the lock and cable are exactly as they were advertised. The price was beautiful and the lock works seamlessly. However, I ride a fixed gear bike, and the mini lock doesn't always fit over my front tire and frame if I'm trying to lock it up. I can only get it around the frame OR the tire and around whatever I'm locking it too. The only exception is if the pole is really small. So, again, the product works great and is super strong...but I sometimes find it difficult to get my frame and tire locked up within the U together. Otherwise, this thing gets a perfect score.

Keyword : bike


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