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Schwinn Adult Double Gel Bicycle Seat Cover

Schwinn Adult Double Gel Bicycle Seat Cover

Very little comfort provided

I purchased this seat cover for my spinning class after using one that was provided to me by my instructor. The one that I was given was great and provided and great deal of comfort (unfortunately I do not know the brand that she supplied). I purchased this cover that night after coming home and hoped for similar results. Unfortunately I was greatly disappointed. It provided very little cushion or comfort. I would recommend purchasing a different seat cover which is what I now have to do.

Too small for Schwinn bike

This seat cover was way too small for my stationary bike, so I had to return it.

False Advertising

Amazon sells this seat cover in conjunction with the foldable exersize bike. I have no idea why, this thing doesnt even cover HALF of that seat. Big rip off if you are planning to buy that package deal.

good seat cover

Fits our stationary bike very well. It definitely provides more cushion than before. Still a bit hard but I believe that is the result of the actual bike seat.

Slips and Slides

While this cover definitely adds some extra padding for your derriere, it is meant to be used with a fairly large bike seat. Since most larger bike seats also include padding, this cover seems pretty extraneous to me. My small, narrow, unpadded seat became something of a hazard when I added this cover to it, because it was then small, narrow, padded, and slippery! The cover slid around on the seat and my biking pants slid around on the silky cover. I returned the product to Amazon after a few rides with continuing saddle sores, and I've now invested in a new, larger, padded seat--for almost the same price as this cover. All this being said, if you already own a wide bike seat that could use a little extra something then this might be your solution.

Keyword : mountain+bike


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