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Schwinn No Pressure Bicycle Seat

Schwinn No Pressure Bicycle Seat

Schwinn not so sweet

This seat looks very comfortable and very reasonably priced but neither my husband nor I cared for the ride. It felt like we were falling off the bike all of the time. We tried adjusting to no avail. Maybe this type seat just takes some getting used to.

Adjustment issues

Seat comfort is as individual as the cheeks that ride it, but I bought this seat with really high hopes, and when it was installed on my trek, I eaither felt like I was sliding off the front of it, or riding across the front "ridge". I tried raising or lowering it, and different tilt adjustments to no avail. To be fair, this may be more an issue of overall bike geometry, but I couldn't get it right.

Couldn't keep my butt on the seat!

I bought this seat as a replacement for the rock hard seat that came with my new Schwinn. After numerous adjustments and a couple hours of riding, I've decided that I absolutely hate it. I could not keep my bottom on this seat at all- it kept sliding off, regardless of what positional adjustments I made. Miles from home, I would have gladly traded this seat for the hard one that came with the bike! I will say though, for the few seconds at a time that my bottom was firmly in the seat, it was comfortable.

Much more comfortable than a typical bike seat!

I bought this seat for my stationary bike, and it truly is a "no pressure" seat. It's much more comfortable than the conventional bike seat. My crotch is no longer in pain after a long ride.


I recently started biking again as part of a fitness challenge and renewed desire to continue to stay fit. So I combined going to and from work with biking and walking. Sometimes, I bike 15+ miles between morning and evening trips. However, soon after starting biking, my butt and thighs were hurting and getting sore...so men, you are not the only ones with this issue! I am of average proportion and like many others on here I wondered what happened from when I was a little girl. I rode everywhere for hours and the saddle was not even cushioned (I am in pain just thinking back)! I started to buy another gel cover for my saddle, but all they had in the store were whole gel seats...so I decided to give amazon a whirl and found this nifty seat...it stands to reason that without the horn, there should not be any thigh burn issues-and there are none. Changing out the seat was a snap-less than 3 min...I am not experiencing some of the problems with the adjustments that other have, so I am happy. I almost did not buy this because of some of the reviews mentioning this. I am not sure why someone did not come up with this idea eons ago...I know for rding hands-free the horn comes in handy so you can use your body to steer the bike, but other than that is is so 'superfluous'-and-as we all know: a pain in the derriere and places elsewhere. Now, I wonder if this is already out there in gle version. However, I will never ride a bike with a horn again...I want a booty-cradle (After all-if cradles work for babies-they also should work for our bums). Happy trails.

Keyword : mountain+bike


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