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Planet Bike Blinky Super Flash 1/2-Watt Blaze LED Plus 2 eXtreme LED Rear Bicycle Light

Planet Bike Blinky Super Flash 1/2-Watt Blaze LED Plus 2 eXtreme LED Rear Bicycle Light

Bright, innovative blink

This is a very bright taillight, but its most innovative feature is its blink pattern. It's not the standard blink/strobe, so it really sticks out. My Blackburn Mars is a wee bit brighter, but the blink pattern on this is more noticeable. I think the two are fairly comparable. The only downside to this light is that it would be difficult to mount to a rack and the clip is diminutive and not practical for mounting the light securely to a bag or your helmet. If you're mounting it to your seat post you shouldn't have any problems.

Bright and blinky! ....And BRIGHT!

The others have pretty much said all there is to say: This is a very bright and easy to see rear light with a unique flash sequence that gets noticed. Between this light and my neon yellow windbreaker saying you didn't see me isn't going to be believed by anyone.

Great price for a great product

I'm very happy with my purchase! Extremely bright, waterproof, durable, easy to use and easy to install.

Almost makes capitalism worth it!

I'm pretty skeptical of most products and companies. If you are not being outright farmed, even the good products are not all that. But, every time I turn on this blinky, "Wow, that is f'ing great!". It is stupidly wonderful. Planet Bike already made the second best blinky, the Seven, which is really good and somewhat cheaper. They could have just improved that a little and been fine. Instead they gave us the alien technology blinky from the future. Seriously, this is almost perfect. Solid, good mounts, convenient, excellent battery life, good size, inexpensive if not cheap, almost too bright, very attention getting blink pattern. It is so effective that you can hear when it is on just by the sound of overtaking traffic. It would be nice if it had a wider coverage angle to the sides and up and down, but this is difficult to do. The Planet Bike Seven has extra LEDs that point sideways to help with this, but it is nowhere near as bright (it would be a good complement to the Superflash). Planet bike also make the best headlight mount in the business. Unfortunately, their LED headlights fail to impress. Hopefully they will put the Superflash team on the headlights soon. The other blinkys are just sad. Except the DiNotte, which is sexy, bright, beautiful and well over a hundred dollars and might get stolen and make you cry.

Great light

Installs and removes very easily. Very bright. I has 2 small LED's that blink (2x) and then the big one at the top flashes. The top LED is very bright. Mine is mounted to the seat post. The light has 2 options: (1) flashing mode or (2) steady mode (just the top, bright LED stays on constantly.

Keyword : bikes


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