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Bell Key 'N Go Steel Cable Padlock for Bike

Bell Key 'N Go Steel Cable Padlock for Bike

Bell Key 'N Go Steel Cable Padlock for Bike

While this obviously is a very well known brand and is a quality product Bell has failed to provide a well made lock it seems the shakle is thin and easily cut with a bolt cutter or some other tool however the body of the lock is hardened steel case which stands up to punnishment like dropping etc, I replaced this lock with a better quality lock that I know I can trust, the steel cable is very good

Works For What We Need

We were looking for a relatively fair priced bike lock that would keep our bikes protected while we were away from them. Decided on purchasing this lock and so far we have not been disappointed. The chain is thin, but not so thin it looks like it could snap. The lock feels fairly heavy and sturdy. As with every lock and chain, it typically only keeps the honest thieves away. If someone wants to get your bike with this lock on it, I'm sure they will.

Great Value

This chain and lock are a great value for what you get. This I feel would stop most thieves from taking my cheap bike, as it is not worth the trouble.

I love it.

I had no idea what type of lock to buy for my bike. Reading a ton of Amazon.com reviews, I came to the conclusion that if anyone wants your bike that bad, they'll find a way to bust your lock. I felt a little more confident with this one because I read a lot of reviews that mentioned someone taking a hammer to the locks with a combanation and getting away with their bikes. Hopefully this one will keep my bike safe. I feel good about it. It is a heavy one though so if that is a concern you may want to look for another one. This one works for me though. I would recommend this to anyone.

Good length

Good lock, although the lock itself feels flimsy because of the plastic cover. The cable is a good length. I use it to secure two bikes to a bike rack and am able to go through the body and front rims of both.

Keyword : bike


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